No Air

My husband has been deployed to Iraq for 1 year and 9 days. His return is so close and yet so far away. As it stands he is due to return of May and while I know April is upon us and before I know it May will be here its justs not happening fast enough!
Deployments are always hard, but I think the loneliness can be eased by the support of family and friends. There are times that I feel my circle is tight and strong while others I feel utterly and completely alone. I have great girlfriends; however as we are all making the great leap into our thirties we are all going through life altering situations which unfortunately doesn lend us much time to socialize. Within the last six months one friend has gotten married and four have given birth so needless to say time for gossip and idle chatter is reduced to a minimum.
Just a few weeks ago I surprised myself on Monday morning when I realized that I’d not left the house the entire weekend. This would be ok if it were only me, but being shut in I know also affects my daughter who just happens to be a HUGE ball of energy. Its kinda like she drank a red bull and followed it with a double shot of expresso so spending an entire weekend with her inside is like an adventure. The realization that I’d stayed in for 2 days allowed me to see just how isolated I’ve allowed myself to become since my hubby isn’t here. I wish I could say that I’ve had an epiphany and from now on my weekends will be filled with activity and fun, but knowing myself like I do I probably will continue as I have until my honey comes home.
This third deployment has given me even more time to reflect and I’ve come to realize just how much I miss having my husband here with me. Things at home run much smoother when he’s here and this time without him has been something akin to chaos. I am so thankful that this separation is almost over and I cannot wait to get some much needed quality time with my husband!

A whole new….state!!

My hubby is being stationed at Ft. Jackson located in Columbia, SC this is a very exciting development for our family because the prospect of us being in South Carolina potentially means that he will not have to deploy for at least 3 years… what a relief!!!!

Fully Convinced

If you’re having trouble taking action, it’s probably because you haven’t fully convinced yourself that it must be done. Once you truly convince yourself, you’ll most certainly make it happen. Perhaps you think it’s something that is important. Yet there’s a big difference between thinking it’s important and knowing, without the least bit of doubt, that it must be done. So if you’re hesitant to take action, look within yourself for the reason why. Have the courage, and make the effort, to answer your own objections. You may discover that you’re not sincerely committed to achieving the results your actions would bring. And if that’s the case, you can choose to either find that commitment or to move on to something else. Your thoughts and actions are incredibly powerful. And to focus them in a particular direction, you must be absolutely convinced. Convincing yourself is indeed a challenge, and that’s as it should be. For when you truly convince yourself to do it, you have the power to make it so.

— Ralph Marston

Be Success

Only when you’re able to accept the possibility of getting it wrong will you have the persistence to get it right. Meaningful success rarely comes from a single transaction. Success is a consistent pattern more than it is an isolated event. It is the way you live rather than some object or experience you acquire. In fact, the way to truly have success is to be success. Success is yours when you persistently embody the discipline, the integrity, the positive attitude, the respect and all the other attributes of which it is made. Visualize yourself today as a living, breathing, active and dynamic manifestation of success. In what way does such a vision compel you to think, to speak, to act and to live? If you consider success to be something outside of you, that’s where it will always remain — outside of you and apart from you. Instead, choose to not merely be successful, but to be success itself. In your thoughts, your words, your actions and your expectations, be the living embodiment of success. And whatever you envision will surely be within your reach.

— Ralph Marston

Here to do great things

You are worthy of all the goodness that life can hold. You are capable of making a valuable contribution to the moment you’re in. You do not need to beg for the kindness of others. For you have within you the ability to express and manifest enough kindness to fill your world. There is no reason for you to feel sorry for yourself, and there is no point in acting in such a way that others feel sorry for you. For a world full of positive possibilities awaits you, if you will simply lift your head and open your eyes. You have no cause to be ashamed of who you are or where you come from. For there is so much you have to offer. You were born to do things that have never been done, to understand things that have never been understood. You are here in this place to express the rich and unique beauty that lives within you. Don’t let the silly little dramas of each day get you down. For you are here to do great things. — Ralph Marston

Babies and Fools….

Excuse me if I feel no sympathy for this guy… going into the 5th anniversary of the war in Iraq (my husband’s 3rd deployment) this idiot still cannot admit he was wrong… I think I could have an ounce of respect for him if he would just speak up and say “Hey America I f*cked up and I am sorry” but he just won’t do it which is why I cannot wait to see his ass get up out of the White House…hopefully he won’t be replaced by that bigger ass John McCain.

product of love

I haven't gotten much right in this life, but I must say SHE is the absolute best thing that has ever happened to me! As much as she drives me batty this little girl is my world, my greatest accomplishment and without my wonderful husband she would not be here! I love you Babe thank you for making me your wife and a mom!

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