Sew what!

I keep saying I think I’d like to learn to sew and I’d really like to give it a try but I’m not very crafty at all so I’m afraid to dive in. 

My grandmother, Daisy, was a BEAST on the sewing machine! I absolutely loved  when she would make my Easter dresses. I also had a red cape with a hood and white lining she made for me that I cherished you couldn’t tell me I wasn’t Little Red Riding Hood when I wore it.

I found a lady via Pinterest,  Mimi G., who makes absolutely beautiful clothing. She has some amazing stuff on her blog. While I was on peeping around on her blog I saw her learn to section and I felt inspired BUT she said it took her about 9 years to get really good… So Ummmm….. I almost positive I have ADD so as much as I’d love to learn I’m afraid if takes that long it will probably be over before I could ever get started. A sewing machine is too expensive to abandon but I guess I could sell it on eBay… LOL!! Terrible… I know.

I need something to occupy my time while on the job hunt so this might be just the thing I need. Stay tuned….

A Little Bit of Everything

“The day I became yours, you became mine.” That Carters commercial makes me tear up every single time.

Can I just say Shonda Rhimes had all of the Scandal fans in a tizzy last night. She is some kind of evil genius.

We are moving next weekend and I have only packed 5 boxes. Too bad this isn’t a PCS move so that we could just supervise the packing instead of doing it ourselves.

I miss the East Coast. El Paso is ok, but ummm yeah this is not the place for me or my family. The city is not diverse at all. I was able to visit Dallas over the summer…. I really enjoyed my time in the city. If we lived there I’m sure I wouldn’t be so ready to vacate Texas.

One of my best girlfriends is having a baby. She’s due in February. I hate that I live so far away, but I am hoping to get home to see her and the baby by early spring.

I just read a hilarious memoir. I was laughing out loud in bed and my husband kept giving me the stink eye. Let’s Pretend This Never Happened by Jenny Lawson do yourself a favor and read it ASAP…. well that is if you aren’t easily offended because if you are just forget I mentioned it. Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn was also a great read but the ending SUCKED!!! I mean at the end I was like are you FREAKING KIDDING?!  The rest of the book was so good I can forgive her for the ending.

My brother might be moving to Germany for a few years. Definitely gotta visit!

Just got 2 follow requests from natural hair bloggers on Twitter. I hope they aren’t trying to recruit me!!!! The ONLY way I’d be natural is if I could rock my hair like CrystalBoo(she is basically rocking an Amber Rose) . I think I have a face for short hair but I don’t have the head to wear my hair like her so no haps! Oh yeah and with my pointy ears that wouldn’t be the move.

I finally got my phone that I whined about in my last post…. it is AWESOME! AT&T finally released the new Android OS this week so it is running Jellybean and I must say it made me love my G S III that much more.

I want some really good Chinese food. I have not been able to find a place here that can top the chicken egg rolls at Red Bowl Asian Bistro in Columbia, SC… those things were delicious!




Lost in Translation???

I have what I  feel is a personal relationship with God. I am not super religious or by any means a biblical scholar so there are things that I will admit I do not know, but I am attempting to find answers to my questions. I try to act in a way  I believe to be appropriate and not against His will. The operative word here is TRY…. and yes I know there is no try…. there is do or do not…. guess I shouldn’t quote Yoda in a post about religion, but hey like I said I am working on it….

A few days ago I was on Facebook and I saw a post where someone said something that amounted to we are missing out on blessings because of tv shows, movies and the music we choose to watch and/or listen to…. this is something that I found myself giving a little thought, because in MY mind I cannot imagine a God that wants us to only watch TV shows or listen to music that pertains to the Word. Now I might be wrong and I’m sure someone will correct me if I am. I can understand how certain things would be off limits, but to live a life that is so restricted does not compute. I’m curious to know if  this is a case where the person has taken the Bible too literally OR if they have misinterpreted something. I also thought back to a conversation with a friend years ago where she explained a young lady who decided it was necessary to avoid all things secular as she believed it would cause her to “back slide” so I wonder if this is the case with the person whose post I read.  Maybe its me and I am being to liberal in my thoughts.  I’m not sure, but this is something I’m interested in finding out.

Last night while catching up with an old friend I said something about my children and I referred to them as kids which then lead them to give me a lesson on why I should not use that word and the Biblical connections. To sum it up I was told in the bible God referred to his children as sheep and that goats (aka kids) were cursed so me using this term that I’ve learned from “man” I’m essentially cursing my children by calling them kids.  In this scenario I also asked myself  is this a situation where this person might be too rigid in their interpretation or is there some validity in their argument???

So friends… what do you think? Am I blocking my blessings because I enjoy watching Grey’s Anatomy? Can I not enjoy moments of mindless entertainment? Should my television stay tuned into some type of Christian programming? Am I cursing my children because I sometimes refer to them as kids? Are we all just using God’s word in the way that benefits us most???

What I’d Really Like to Say……

Ma’am we get it!!!!!!! You’re natural now…….do we REALLY need daily updates on what you did to your afro? Or what new product you made yourself, puchased from Carol’s Daughter, Miss Jessie’s, etc? Must you constantly post pics of your twists? You do realize for every one person who wants to take natural hair journey with you there are about 5 of us who do NOT? I am an advocate for people doing whatever they like to the hair growing out of their scalp and even the weave they’ve added, but for the love of all that is HOLY please please please stop filling up my Facebook feed with your photos!!!! Start a blog, phone a friend…. as long as that friend isn’t me!!!!!

*end rant*



Everybody knows there are 2 things in this world that I love and those things are books and gadgets. My friend Jerome often calls me Gidget Gadget… I probably should get a part-time job at BestBuy…… you know what…. terrible idea. I would never collect a check because it would all go back into the store!When Christmas rolled around my husband surprised me with the two latest electronics I’d been eyeballing for a few months, the Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 and the Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket. I was super excited because I never expected to get 2 new toys. As soon as I could get the packaging opened I said goodbye to my beloved Blackberry and hello to the Skyrocket.

Now while I LOVE my new phone I do have one small complaint… it does not have Ice Cream Sandwich (Android 4.0  OS). I have been not so patiently waiting for ICS since Jan to no avail. It seems like every day BGR, Android Central and the other blogs are announcing which carriers are rolling out the updates and which phones are receiving it… mine has not come up yet. AT&T cruelly sent out and update about a week or so ago but it was ONLY an update of Gingerbread… I have noticed minor changes, but not the major overhaul that I am expecting ICS to bring.

I do understand that the carriers want to test each build of the new OS for their phones before they release it, BUT that other side of me just wants my freaking update. I hate to be a phone snob, but I do believe my Skyrocket is far superior to some of these HTC phones that AT&T has updated. What gives AT&T???? I mean they do not even have a projected release date! I chatted with a tech support specialist from AT&T and all he could tell me was that I would be getting the update…. Sir, I already knew that!!!! He then goes on to tell me to check the blogs for update info… Again sir I already do that!!! How in the heck do you think I knew I was getting the update????  I feel like by the time they send it out to me they will start rolling out phones with the new rumored OS Jellybean and then I will be starting this vicious cycle all over again!!!!! Luckily when the hubs got me this phone I didn’t use my upgrade sooooooooo I do have the option to just go buy a new phone, but I like I said I love this phone…. and I think my husband might kill me! LOL!!!!

So on the off chance that someone from AT&T happens to come across this little ole post of mine please please please hurry up and release ICS for my phone…. my life depends on it! LOL!!!!!



Dear Blackberry/Research In Motion,

The thrill is gone. Our relationship needs serious therapy to repair the damage or I suspect we will be getting divorced soon.  I discovered Blackberry in 2006 when I instantly fell in love with the Pearl (8100). My very first smartphone!! You had me at hello.  Soon a few friends and family members joined the club and they too were wooed by its charms…. After we all learned about Blackberry Messenger it was a match made in heaven.

Those who know me best KNOW that I am a gadget obsessed girl and after my 2 year love affair with the Pearl I was ready for something new… so I moved on to the Curve… unfortunately AT&T had a few connectivity issues in the building where I worked so our affair was destined to only be a brief fling. Before the end of my 30 day trial I was forced to return the Curve to the store and take my services to Sprint. So back to the Pearl I went and this time I had a newer model (8130 yay!). Also around this time my job decided they needed to be able to contact me whenever, so they issued me a 7100t and later upgraded me to a 8703e. Two Blackberry devices at once I was in BB paradise.

Once again for about another year all was well until one night my phone kinda spazzed on me and started snapping photos on its own at 2 a.m.  After much effort I was able to stop it by a battery pull and a full shutdown. The next day however before I knew it I had 300 photos of the inside of my purse!!!

I was a year into my contract and as a preferred customer I could upgrade AND I had a $150 credit! Oh Joy what would I choose to be my next BB?! If I was going to stay with Sprint my only choices were the Curve (blah), 8703b (no), or the Pearl (been there done that). What was a girl to do??? I did what any self-respecting Blackberry fanatic would do… I emailed the CEO of Sprint, Dan Hesse. I laid bare my love for Blackberry and asked when, if ever Sprint would have any newer devices. Their website was loaded with HTC, Samsung, Motorola, etc but they only had 3 Blackberries when AT&T at the time had 8 different models. Verizon Wireless and T-mobile were not far behind with 6 or 7 devices. I couldn’t understand why I was being deprived!!!  I was reading and Boy Genius Report religiously and there seemed to be no relief in sight… not as long as I was a Sprint customer that is….

The newest BB on the scene was the Blackberry Bold 9000. I watched the commercials longingly, but I had no idea how I’d be able to own that phone at least not while being a Sprint customer. Well thanks to my good ole Pearl deciding to take a trip to Crazytown in the middle of the night that sealed the deal. *Cue Kelly Rowland’s Motivation* I headed over to AT&T to rekindle our relationship. A short while later I had my new Precious in my hand.  Soon a whole new world opened up… I could talk and text (something that was spotty at best with Sprint). Not only was I talking and texting I could also surf the web AND to my all time favorite thing and that was chat on my BBM!!!!!

Thank the Lord for 1 year upgrades because the following year I was able to get the Bold 9700 and this year I upgraded to the Torch. I’ve really enjoyed the updates that come from having OS 6. I can definitely say the company is making a step in the right direction BUT (I know and it pains me to say this) RIM is woefully behind.  For awhile it seems every day on Twitter there were Team Iphone vs Team BB battles.  Honestly, I wasn’t moved or bothered by the insults and I definitely couldn’t understand why adults were engaging in my phone is better than your phone conversations (and no I am not saying this because I have a BB). I just feel like you like what you like and that’s it. I don’t knock the iphone or Apple, because I own 2 ipods so I am definitely NOT hating on Steve Jobs. I love my Blackberry because I love BBM, the calendar/scheduling and email integration. I like knowing that when someone sends me an email as soon as they hit send it is right there in my face. I tend to get annoyed when folks text/call and say hey I sent you an email… ummm ma’am or sir I am looking at it right now. If you were going to call you might as well have just told me whatever it was you emailed… but I digress… Here’s what I don’t love at the moment.. My beloved Blackberry Torch that is ONLY 6 months old lately has been being very half-assed. My trackpad will suddenly decide that it doesn’t want to work no matter how hard I press it.. yes I know I have a touch screen, but I am kinda attached to my trackpad dammit! So this issue usually requires a hard reset once or twice in order for the pad to start working again. For the last 2 weeks or more my phone will shut down for no apparent reason. The screen fades to black and when I tap a key it will pop up only to shut off and fully reset. I could call my wireless provider, BUT what can they do really… other than send me another phone… this would be ideal if they were not going to send me a refurb! I am sorry I am a bit of a gadget snob and honestly I don’t want someone else’s raggedy phone the company techs have tinkered around with and repackaged for some poor schmuck like me.

Sigh! I feel like My trusty BB and I have reached the crossroads in our relationship and I cannot really say what’s going to happen. Sure RIM is promising us big things with OS 7, BUT I want to know if it’s really going to be a big change? Last year they said OS 6 was going to be the game changer, while I have enjoyed the updates it wasn’t anything to write home to Aunt Jane about as my mother would say. I’m no longer wowed. I don’t feel like my voice is being heard. I am a member of the Blackberry Market Research panel AND I test out new applications in Blackberry Beta Zone, but it seems like they aren’t paying attention or at least asking the right questions.

So my dear RIM I’ve said all this to say you’ve gotten complacent. You lack focus. You are not giving me the same level excitement you did 5 years ago. I’ve been loyal (if you’ve been paying attention I’ve owned/used 8 Blacberry devices) and now I want something in return. I have about 6 months until its upgrade time again and already my eye has begun to wander.  Slowly, but surely all of my friends are jumping ship and while I still have a significant number of BBM contacts A LOT of the people I speak to daily are no longer available for me to PING! I know I am just one person in a sea of many customers, but I am sure I am not alone.  I fear if I leave I’ll never come back….

The Truth About Bee… a few little known facts about me

I initially planned to share 25 tidbits about myself, but this is harder than it looks!!! My mind is like a million miles away today and I am super sleepy so that probably doesn’t do a thing to help the situation.


I am super shy—yeah I know it doesn’t add up but it is so true

In my head I am a mean girl—if I ever start to say half the stuff I think people would be shocked.

I am a lightweight prude—while I am not nun material some things/behaviors are and have always been a no-no for me.

I do not like the smell of bananas – I haven’t eaten one in over 20 years.

I have 5 siblings. I only have one parent in common with each of them. 1-mom 4-dad

I lived in the State of Georgia for 30 years before living in another one.

I LOVE books!

I am terrified of speaking in public. It causes major anxiety. Just the thought of it rattles me.

I try to spin everything into something positive it doesn’t always work, but I will certainly try to find the bright side.

I think I am a borderline hypochondriac.

I am NOT a morning person. I hate my alarm with the intensity of 1000 suns!

I’m addicted to electronics – ok that’s not much of a secret



These Are My Confessions…..or I Get So Emotional Baby!



I have difficulty expressing my emotions verbally…. This may come as a surprise to those who know me or maybe not. I have been affectionately dubbed “The Card Lady” by my girlfriend D because of my uncanny ability to find just the right card for every occasion. I love cards quite simply because they usually are able to convey whatever emotion I am feeling at the time perfectly without me having to say the words out loud. I am not sure at what point in my life emotions became such a big scary thing for me, perhaps they have always been… just like my fear of public speaking.

Talking about how I feel makes me self-conscious and usually I tend to act all weird and clam up. I’ve been blessed with a great bunch of girlfriends and sorors all of whom are able to express themselves so beautifully and it is something I envy. Take my newest twin/soulmate/soror Charm I just think she is awesome-sauce and every time we chat when we get off the phone she tells me “love you B-Rabbit.”  Now some would think it would be the easiest thing in the world for me to say love you too Charmeezy cause I do, buuuuuuuuuuut saying I love you makes me all crazy and uneasy. Yes, people I know I am lightweight insane. Does this stem from growing up in a household where I don’t remember hearing it often or at all? Perhaps… or it could be a hang up that I acquired all on my own.

Let’s add some more strangeness to the pot shall we? Now while I don’t like talking about my feelings and whatnot I am a HUGE crier and when I say huge I mean huge. Television shows, commercials, certain gospel songs, proposals, sappy movies….hell even happy movies make me cry. Recently, I was watching Coming Home on Lifetime and there was one particular story that touched me, and as I watched tears silently streamed down my face. The hubs was on the other couch watching too soooo I was also trying to wipe them on my t-shirt hoping he wouldn’t see, but wouldn’t you know it he caught me. BUSTED!!!!! He looks over at me and says “Are you crying?! You are such an emotional wreck.”  He gets such joy from teasing me.

Lately the crying has been a tad bit more than normal. I cry a lot, but never much as I have been in the past couple months maybe even the past year. This is starting to freak me out. I have no idea where it’s coming from and I would very much like for it to stop, because people are going to think I am a nutcase. I saw a really cute youtube video one day…cried. Heard a song on the radio I liked…cried. Heard some really good news….you guess it. Now the way I am describing it may sound to you just like the way I said I normally am, but these mutant tears are on another level. I mean if I was an actress I could probably cry my ass off right now for a scene with no prompting/help/artificial tears, because these bad boys come with absolutely no warning. It is driving me insane!!!!!

I mentioned it to my primary physician a few months ago and she simply said she didn’t think I needed a prescription and that was about it. Well I saw her again today and I asked her if she would check my hormone levels since I am still a crybaby. Thankfully she said yes, so hopefully I will have my results soon and I can go from there. The only downside to this is, if it’s not my birth control making me cry like my name is John Boehner or Jim Bakker then I don’t know what the heck I am going to do!